Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your Logo & What You Should Do.

what to avoid on your logos

how do you make your logo stand out?

Unfortunately, many companies make serious mistakes when they .

These are good businesses with bright futures, but they often end up with logos that are less than ideal, or even poorly designed.

And getting customers to notice or remember a bad logo is a very difficult thing to do.

When you set out to create your new logo, be sure to avoid these six critical mistakes.

Critical mistake #1: Drawing your logo yourself.

Critical mistake #2: Forgetting about your customer.

Critical mistake #3: Looking too much like your competitors.

Critical mistake #4: Thinking that colors and fonts don’t matter.

Critical mistake #5: Trying to communicate too much with your logo.

Critical mistake #6: Trying to find free online Logo Maker Services.

to find the right designer to create you the most suitable logo for your business.


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